
Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. Find community and connection here.

  • Community nights

    A weeknight opportunity to grow in faith and build relationships. We start with a no-cost dinner, simple worship, and then easy Bible study that helps us better understand who God is. Childcare is available and there will be age-appropriate teachings for all age groups. Check it out!

  • Young adults

    Are you interested in joining a group of people who can relate to the things going on in your stage of life, who want to connect in meaningful ways, who want to deepen their faith and serve their community, all while having fun?

    What's a "young adult?" Really, what we've found is that there are transitions people go through as life progresses...moving into newer areas of life where big things are happening. Graduating, getting into that first...or second...career, finding a life partner, having kids. These transitions bring challenges that we can handle a little better by growing in relationships with each other and Christ. That's what we mean at Grace by "young adult"...it's less about age than it is about stage.

    If you’re interested in helping us get started, joining, or have more questions, please email Sue using the button below.

  • Women of Grace

    Opportunities for women to grow together in faith, friendship, and fun.

  • Men of Grace

    Building a strong band of brothers through connections and friendships.

  • Joyful Seniors

    Lunch anyone?

    Those age 50 and over meet the 2nd Thursday of each month for fellowship and lunch, either at a local restaurant or for a potluck at Grace. Sign up at the Guest Services Center the Sunday prior.

    For more info, contact Val Lloyd, our Joyful Seniors Coordinator.

  • Membership

    Heartbeat is where you’ll learn who we are at Grace. We offer this 90-minute class a few times each year, so watch for it! If you’re interested in partnering as a member at Grace, this is your first step.

Ways to serve

We focus our service both outward and inward. In order to be Jesus' hands and feet in our community, we also need to care for our body, the church.

Knowing how God has gifted you can help you find your spot to serve.

  • Serving globally

    We desire to be a church whose impact is felt beyond the local area of Tucson.

  • Serving locally

    Serving those most at risk right here in our communities

  • Donaldson Elementary School

    Grace has “adopted” Donaldson Elementary School, a school in our neighborhood. Or maybe they’ve “adopted” us!

    Every week, we pack school lunches for a bunch of kids who attend Donaldson, to help out those in lower-income situations eat nutritionally and learn well. You can help! Click below to email James in our office to find out how to serve or how to give financially.

  • Guest services

    We set up and clean up the welcome counter, help new people and existing congregants with directions and questions, and smile alot! Easy peasy! Email Donna Bloomberg if you’d like to join the team.

  • Ushering

    Ushering is a great way to get to know people at Grace! You can serve one or more Sundays per month as your schedule allows. Arrive 20 minutes early and stay a few minutes after services to do light clean-up. Be the warm smile that welcomes newcomers and old friends to worship!

    Email Lewie Marshall if you’d like to join our team!

  • Common grounds

    This team brews coffee and prepares the beverage service on Sunday mornings. Teams of two spend about 1.5 hours on a given Sunday to make sure our guests and Grace family feel warmly welcomed.

    If you’d like to help out, contact Susan Leverda.

  • Benevolence team

    This team meets periodically when a request for financial help comes in. Most of the work is done via emails as the team prayerfully considers the request and determines whether and how to help to meet it. We are a team that puts feet to Scripture: James 1:27 “to look after people in their distress."

    Let the team know if you’d like to help.

  • Helping Gracekids

    Love kids? Consider how you might help out in Children’s Sunday School and/or care at Grace. Whether teaching lessons, providing care, or singing and directing kids as they learn that Jesus loves them, there’s a place for you. Workers are needed for Sunday worship times and to provide occasional childcare during the week. Email us to learn how you can help.