Check out what’s upcoming at Grace; there’s something here for you. Looking for the calendar? Scroll down! Need help? Email Sue.
Please join us on February 13, noon at church for a Valentine's potluck luncheon! The theme is Italian since they are famous for their love of food shown through dining together.
So, bring your loving potluck contributions and SPREAD SOME LOVE THROUGH FOOD!!!
Join Max Lucado (and us!) on an inspirational journey through the hills, the dust, and the homes of the Holy Land. Discover, with new eyes, God’s heart for his people and his deep love for you.
Join us on Zoom Tuesday evenings, starting March 4th, 6:30-8pm. Use the button below for more info and to sign up!
We’re gearing up for another round of Wednesday evening Community Nights starting in January! As was the case last time, our weekly sessions will be paired with Sam’s Sunday teaching series, this time called Foundations. Let’s dig introspectively and consider the question, seriously, what do you really believe?
Wednesdays, 1/22 - 3/19, 5:30-7:30pm
Childcare available
Family dinner at 5:30 followed by teaching and discussion groups.
Click the button below for more info and to sign up for childcare, if you have any dietary restrictions or if you can help us out!
The Lotsa Pasta Food Drive Begins February 1
Lotsa Pasta is a month-long food drive focused on all things noodles!
The goal is to collect:
5,000 boxes or bags of pasta and spaghetti noodles
5,000 cans of pasta sauce (no glass, please!)
5,000 boxes of macaroni & cheese
A pasta dinner is an easy, shelf-stable meal that is popular at ICS food banks. It can feed a family of four for under $5, and kids usually like it!
ICS faith community partners are the biggest contributors to Lotsa Pasta, but anyone can organize a local drive: schools, businesses, neighborhood associations, clubs, and other community partners.

The entire month of February! Drop off donations February 1–28.
Please drop your Lotsa Pasta donations off at the following locations:
Grace Community Covenant Church
9755 N La Cholla Blvd
Tucson AZ 85742
If interested click the button below.
Come join us any or every Sunday at 9am in Room 2 as we dig into God’s word and share our lives together.
Starting Sunday the 19th we are exploring the parables. No homework, No need to sign up, just come!
If you have questions about any of the calendar items, contact our Office Administrator, James Marvin at 520-575-1444 or Got an item for the calendar? Fill out an event request using the button below to have your event considered and promoted! The office will let you know if your request is approved!
There are so many ways for you to make connections, serve others, use your gifts, and grow in your faith. Explore what we do and let us know where you see yourself fitting in at Grace.